Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Mom's Secret Desire

Do any of you mom's ever get a little jealous of how great your husband can be with the kids? Shawn is much better at playing with Connor than I am. They just do boy stuff, and I kind of just hang back and watch. I have to admit that a teeny tiny part of me feels jealous.

When we put Connor to bed the other night he wanted nothing to do with Shawn. It was all, "I want Mommy to do it" and "No Daddy, stop. I want to sit in Mommy's lap." If I'm being completely honest here, it wasn't Connor's finest hour. He was being mean to Shawn. Had the tables been turned, my feelings really would have been hurt. (I know he's only 2 and that's silly, but hey that's just me!). Anyway, we talked about that not being nice and how he shouldn't say things like that to Daddy. Sadly, that little jealousy monster in me got a bit smaller through this whole ordeal since I was the favorite at the moment. How horrible is that! Has my desire to be the best Mom I can be turned into a competition for his affection?

As always, Connor kept me in check. After Shawn had given him his goodnight kiss, I bent down to give him his goodnight kiss and Connor said, "No, I don't want a kiss from you. I like Mimi better." OUCH...that's what I get!

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