Saturday, December 13, 2008


Being a mom can be pretty tough sometimes. Not that I am complaining. It is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me, and I don't know what I would do without my two precious boys. That being said, after a weekend with my husband out of town, endless diaper changes, quite a few tantrums, and laundry and toys come out of every nook and cranny in the house, I get a little discouraged from time to time. Then, something amazing happens. One of the boys gives me just enough to know that I can keep doing this forever.

Last night, right after I put Max to bed, Connor was watching the end of some Disney show. I decided to use that time to get ahead of the game and pick up some of the million toys that had been dragged out during the course of our afternoon together. As I was bending down to pick up a well-loved teddy bear Connor said, "Thanks for picking up my toys Mama."


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa Train Ride

We went for a train ride with Santa. It was really fun. Connor was brave, but not too sure about Santa still. Max has a major issue with "stranger danger", and was not a fan of Santa at all! Here are some pictures from our day.

Max is Moving!

Well, he's not really crawling yet, but he is getting around some! Here is a little video showing some of what he can do.

Here is a sweet picture of Max napping. He's using his stuffed animal as his pillow.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

He's a Prince!

I went to pick Connor up from school on Friday and met one of the little girls mom's in his class. When she found out that I was Connor's mom she said "Ella talks about Connor all the time." Apparently they discuss how he gets put in time out pretty often...oops! The other day she was playing princess and her dad asked who her prince was and Ella said "Connor is my prince." Watch out ladies!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mentos Anyone?

Connor was cracking me up today. Right before bed he pretty much always goes totally limp making it next to impossible to get him in bed. We always joke with him and tell him to stop being a limp noodle. Tonight he went dead weight on us again and said "Mama, I'm a limp potato".

Earlier in the evening he was serenading us with the alphabet. He was doing an awesome job, but towards the middle he got a little mixed up. I had to laugh. He sang, "....H - I - J - K - L - MENTO - P".