Monday, August 24, 2009

A Busy Summer

Ok, I know I haven't posted anything in FOREVER, but life has been pretty hectic around here. We moved from Birmingham to Dallas in June and have been getting settled.

I can't believe the summer is already almost over! I'll post some pictures later, and write a little more about everything we did. Connor and Max start there new school the second week of September. Connor is excited, but I'm sure Max will cry! He has a hard time at the church nursery every week, but hopefully he'll get used to school pretty quickly. I took Max's pacifier away about 2 weeks ago. He really did pretty well although he doesn't nap for quite as long now. I think because he's missing that tool to soothe himself back to sleep. This week we are dropping the morning nap and moving down to one. He's doing really well with that too, so I guess it was time! Works out pretty good since on Tuesdays and Thursdays he won't be getting the morning nap because of school anyway.

We have our first visit since we moved here to the pediatrician on Wednesday. I pray the boys like him. We had such a wonderful perdiatrician in Birmingham. We hated to leave him.

Shawn and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary last Friday. Shawn's parents stayed at our house with the boys and we spent the night at the W hotel downtown. It was great to get away for a night and relax! These last 5 years have FLOWN by so fast. Our family has doubled in size and we've moved twice. I'm so excited for what the next 5 years will bring my wonderful family!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Connor's Play Day

We had a Play Day at Connor's school back on May 1st. It was really fun just to go hang out with him at school. Here are a couple of pictures from the day.

Connor and his class eating their snow cones.

Ella and Connor

Connor is so afraid of these things for some reason. I can't believe he went in!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Connor's 3rd Birthday Party

So, I'm a little late in putting this stuff up, but I guess it's better late than never.

We had a great time at Connor's 3rd birthday. It was a dinosaur themed party. We decorated the garage with dinosaurs everywhere and had a rainforest CD playing in the background to create "the mood". The kids started off by painting dinosaur eggs that we "hatched" at the end of the party. Then we went digging for dinos in our sand box. After that the kids played "Pin the Horn On the Triceratops". After a lunch of dino-chicken nuggets, dino shaped pbjs, and a pterodactyl nest fruit salad, it was time to head to the back yard for our dinosaur egg hunt. Finally, we ended the party by having some cake. Mimi did an amazing job creating our Jurassic themed cake! Below are some pictures from our amazing day.

The awesome cake!

So serious about painting those eggs.

Addie and Connor playing.

Digging for dinos.

Connor, Addie, and Brooks

Connor proceeded to move everyone's horn to the correct location after they stuck them on the poster.

Check out how excited Max looks behind Connor. He's loving the egg hunt.

Singing Happy Birthday to the Big Boy!

Katie, one of the girls in Connor's class, with one of her party favors.

Mrs. Tambra, Connor's teacher this year, came to the party!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Connor's Stats

Connor had his 3 year doctor's appointment yesterday. He weighed 32 pounds and was 38.25 inches tall. Both are in the 50-75 percentile. Woohoo! One of my kids finally isn't teeny tiny!!!!

I will post about Connor's birthday party when I have some time. (Soon hopefully!)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Connor Is Three - A Look Back

I got inspired by Connor's birthday to write down what happened the day he was born. I think I got a little carried away, but at least I'll be able to go back and read it years from now. Might want to grab some coffee or a snack before you start this. It's a long one! Enjoy!

“Go ahead and put this on, but make sure it opens in the front.” The nurse said sweetly.
Hmm. I’m already feeling less than comfortable since I am thirty pounds heavier than I have ever been in my life. My anxiety level is pretty high, so this manifests in a very shaky feeling all over me. My balance is mediocre at best with this enormous mass protruding from what was once a flat stomach. Might as well add insult to injury by having the gown that really isn’t suited as proper attire for a normal size human open in the front for easier flashing potential.
I manage to get undressed and get the gown on without toppling over. Time to head to the hospital bed.
“Let’s get you all setup now.” The nurse says. “This will monitor your contractions and this is the fetal heart monitor.” Once I am strapped in, the steady whoosh of my baby’s heart is a pleasant reminder of why I’m up so early. The strip that shows the contractions remains a steady straight line since I’m here for an induction and none of the medicines have been started yet.
The nurse leaves for a minute and Shawn steps closer to the bed. He’s been pretty quiet all morning. I’m not sure if it is the early hour or maybe he’s thinking about what lays ahead of us. He is about to become a father, after all. “How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Fine.” I lie. Since Shawn is around this kind of thing all the time I feel I have to be strong with minimal nerves showing. As I answer him, the shaky feeling returns with a wave through my stomach. At least they haven’t started the pitocin. I think to myself.
The nurse returns holding a tray containing a needle and some bags of liquid. I’m not one to be afraid of needles, but was the medicine that would be causing my future agony in one of the bags?
“Let’s get your IV in so we can get your fluids started.”
Fluids. That’s good. Nothing too menacing about that. After she finishes getting the IV in and starts my fluids, she leaves again. Shawn comes back over to the bed to inspect her work.
“Could have done a better job with that.” He’s right. Not only had it hurt more than I thought it should, but she made a huge mess and got blood everywhere. I have so much tape on my arm to hold the IV in place that I’m already dreading the removal because of all the hairs that will be yanked out.

“Hi! I’m Randy. I’ll be with you all day today for your labor and delivery.” The new nurse said in a sweet Alabama accent that I’ve come to love. She seems nice, which is good considering how intimate we are going to be today. The anxiety peaks its shaky head again. “Well, lets get this thing started.” She walks over to the IV pole and hangs a new bag.
“That’s the medicine that’s going to make me hurt right?” I say as nonchalantly as possible even though my heart is racing. We don’t really have to do this right? He can just stay in there. He seems comfortable enough. I can deal with being huge. That won’t be near as bad as contractions and actually delivering this baby.
“The medicine starts slow and the contractions will slowly build up. It’s not instant.” Randy tells me. This sends an enormous wave of relief over me. Gradual, that’s good. I can handle gradual.
Next my OB, Dr. Foster, comes in to check on how things are going. After shooting the breeze a bit with Shawn and making sure I was doing alright, he says the kindest, most wonderful words I’ve ever imagined. “Randy, she can have her epidural as soon as she starts getting uncomfortable. Just call the anesthesiologist as soon as she asks.” Thank you Lord. You are so good!

About forty-five minutes go by and there are starting to be little peaks on the readout that shows my contractions. Nothing too terrible so far.
“Let me check to see how far you have progressed.” Randy said as casually as if she was about shake my hand. A few very uncomfortable minutes later we found I was only about three centimeters dilated.
Another thirty minutes to an hour go by and I start having some stronger contractions. It doesn’t feel anything like I expect it should. The pain is not that severe. What is horrible is the fact that I’m starting to feel nauseous. I mean really nauseous. Ugh, I am never going to get through this day if I’m throwing up through the entire thing.
About this time my parents arrive. “You look a little green.” My mom says with concern on her face. Try being on this side of it.
“Well, I’m not trying to be a martyr here. Shawn, can you find Randy and have her get the anesthesiologist? I really don’t want to be sick all day.”
Randy comes bouncing back into the room. Her perky personality is grating on my nerves a bit at this point, but I do have enough presence of mind to realize it is the labor causing my aversion to her, so I try to remain civil. “Let’s check your progress again really quick while we wait for the epidural.” I mean really. Does she enjoy this part of her job? Is she secretly into torture? “Hmm, you seem to only still be at 3 cm.” A disapproving look comes across her face like I’m letting down all of womankind by wimping out so early. “Well, Dr. Foster did say you could have your epidural as soon as you wanted it. Hopefully, this doesn’t make your labor drag on longer than necessary.” My disdain towards Randy is growing by leaps and bounds as I fight to keep from throwing up all over her.

The anesthesiologist arrives. After listing off a list of the horrible things that could happen to me from this procedure, he finally begins it.
“Please swing your legs over the side of the table and bend down curving your back like a cat stretching.” Um, does this guy really think I can curve my back? I have a good sized watermelon for a stomach that makes bending over impossible, and if I stay bent in this position much longer I’m going to pass out from the lack of oxygen. I guess my back is curved enough for him because there was a small pinch like a bee sting followed by a strange pressure in my back. After a little tingling all the way down to my leg and some taping on my back, the doctor (my new favorite person) says he is finished. I swing my legs back up on the bed and it is amazing. I feel great. My parents walk back in the room and my mom comments on how much better I look.
“Good drugs.” I respond.

The nausea is gone and the next couple of hours go along smoothly. The ever present Randy decides it is time to check my progress again around noon. “Well, you are about 6 cm dilated. That’s great because you are progressing about 1 cm an hour, which is what we like to see.” Ha, see, getting my epidural so early didn’t slow me down!
Turns out I followed the 1 cm an hour pretty closely. Around 4:00 or so, 9 hours since I arrived at the hospital, I finally have reached the point of no return. It is time to start pushing. Since my epidural my anxiety level really came down and I began to think I might actually pull this off. That was until it sunk in I was actually going to have to deliver this baby.

Two hours later, the pushing is not doing the trick. “We will try forceps to see if we can help him out by pulling a little bit.” Dr. Foster suggests. Sounds a little barbaric to me, but I’m really getting tired and have never been so thirsty in my entire life.
“Whatever you think is best.” I manage to get out on one of my breaks. Well, those are not helping either.
“It looks like we aren’t going to be able to get this baby out without doing a c-section.” Dr. Foster tells us looking a little worried about what my reaction may be.
“No problem. Let’s go.” I say. This is great! I get to bypass the scariest part of the delivery now and just have him cut out of my stomach. My thoughts may seem a little masochistic to some, preferring surgery over mother nature’s plan, but to me it is the norm since that is what my mom and sister both went through. It seems like a much less scary option for me.
About thirty minutes later we finally get to meet Connor Stowe Green. He is perfect, even if there is a bit of a cone head. My life is changed forever, and I have been given the most important job I’ll ever have - raising this precious baby boy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've been so bad about updates lately! Sorry! It's been a bit crazy around here. Max had and ear infection as well as a bad flare up of his asthma and Connor had Strep, which turned into Scarlet Fever. Everyone is healthy now though thank goodness!

We had a very nice Easter. The boys got their Easter baskets before church and after church we ate with Mimi and Granddad. When Connor first woke up he walked into the kitchen and saw the Easter Eggs we had colored were still on the table. He looked at Shawn with a sad face and said "Did the Easter Bunny not come last night?" Luckily, I had prepared the Easter Baskets the night before and was able to tell him he came to bring those, and that he would be back to hide the eggs while we were at church. No more slacking around here! Looks like we will be getting up at the crack of dawn to hide the eggs before the kids get up from now on! So, after church and lunch we had our first of MANY Easter Egg Hunts. Connor was really into the whole Easter egg hunt thing this year so we got to hide them over and over again.

Shawn's mom and I went to see Wicked that night. It was amazing!! Here are a few pictures of the boys on Easter.

Connor looking extra skinny in his PJ's! I promise we feed him :)

Max checking out his Easter basket.

The hunt begins.

Connor's bunny mouth lollipop. He kept calling it his pacifier!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Connor's Best Friend

So, just now I watching American Idol and all of the sudden I heard Connor in his room. I put him to bed about 15 minutes ago, but typically he sits in there and talks for awhile until he goes to sleep. My little "Idol" was singing his own song..."Jesus is my best friend, he's always there for me. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...he's always there for me." (I actually don't know the words to that song so I have no idea if he was singing them right or not, but it was perfect to me!) After the last couple of days (which have been rough to say the least), it was a very welcome sound to hear!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Max Is One!!

Max had a busy first birthday. We went to Chucke Cheese with our friends the Johnsons. It was Max's first time to actually do anything there, and he really had fun. He also ate an entire piece of pizza! (Which was more than Connor ate, I might add). After Chucke Cheese we went home for cake and presents. He has a party on Saturday too, so I'll post more pictures after that. We think he accidently popped himself with the elastic on his hat in the picture where he's crying, but I couldn't resist putting it on here.

Max's new car from us.

Whoa... chocolate overdose!

Max enjoying opening his presents. (This is after his cake which is why he has no clothes on!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Connor's "sister"

So, Connor has really started to like Diego lately. On the show, Diego has a sister named Alicia. Well now, Connor talks about HIS sister Alicia all the time! He tells pretty much everyone about her. At school during the soccer presentation, he told everyone in there about her. Last week, he went with his Mimi and Granddad to small group and told some people there about her. Those people actually thought he had a sister that his grandparents just hadn't brought with them! He also has said he wants to give Max away so he can get a real sister (and name her Alicia of course!). It's all pretty funny. Now I'll just pray that when we do decide to try for baby number three that it is a girl. I'm not sure how Connor would react to another baby brother!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Proud Mommy

Connor had a great day at school today! They were having a speaker for the 3 and 4 year olds and Connor was the only child from the 2 year old classes invited to attend! Then, during the presentation when the speaker asked questions and asked for volunteers, Connor was the only one that participated!! What a big boy. All the 3 and 4 year old teachers could say was how smart and funny Connor is. Now all we have to hope for is those two things don't get him into too much trouble in the future!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shooting Hoops and Walking

Check out Max!!!

Best Birthday EVER!

Shawn took me to Las Vegas for my 30th birthday, and we had an amazing time. He made a point to make me feel special the whole trip and it was GREAT! The first day we arrived he had some flowers delivered for me. We went to a different show every night we were there. On the second day we had a super fancy meal at a great restaurant called Rosemary's. The third day was my actual birthday, and he had the Venetian come to our room and spread rose petals around and put balloons everwhere. Our sweet friends, Josh and Meredith, had champagne and chocolate covered strawberries sent to us on my birthday, too. We rounded out the trip by ordering room service for breakfast our last morning there. It was so much fun! I guess since there was no way to avoid turning 30...then this was the way to do it!! Here are some pictures.

Dinner our first night at Batista's Hole in the Wall. A family tradition in Vegas.

My pretty flowers!

At the Wynn

Our room decorated for my birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Few More Pics From the Snow

I didn't have any good pictures of Max in the snow, so I had to add those. Plus, later in the day Shawn and Connor were doing snow angels, so I thought I'd post those as well.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winter Wonderland!

Here is a little video of Shawn and Connor having snowball fight and another video of the snow coming down. It was like a blizzard!!! (For Alabama anyway) These pictures don't really show how much snow we got. I'm looking out on the patio right now and there is about 2.5 inches stacked up on the arm of the chair. To warm up, Shawn lit the fire and we made smores. YUMMY!!! It was a fun day :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Perhaps I Should Have Limited the Amount of Breast Feeding Connor Saw

Well, Max is officially drinking whole milk now. Not as much as I would like, but it will get better I think. He has been pretty thirsty by the end of the day and tends to gulp down some bath water...yummy!

Well, breast feeding an infant when you have a two year old is impossible to do without the older child witnessing the process from time to time. He just gets into too much trouble if I'm not watching! I'm thinking now though, maybe I should have tried to shelter Connor a little more than I did. Over the weekend we had too different incidences that seem to point that way.

We went to a going away party for our friends the Robinson's this weekend. Another couple there brought their little girl Malory. I looked over and noticed Connor trying to give her a kiss on the cheek, which was really sweet. She's about a year younger than Connor and I was kind of afraid he was going to knock her over, so I went over to break it up. On the way home we were talking about it and Connor said, "Was I not supposed to kiss Malory because she's a baby?" I said, "Well, she's not a baby, but" and he interrupted me and said "Does she eat boob?" After Shawn and I stopped laughing we explained that she didn't to him, but I'm pretty sure "boob" isn't something a two year old should be talking about!

Connor also grabbed one of the bottles I used when I was pumping the other day a told his Mimi, "Mimi, I need to pump." He proceeded to pull up his shirt and put the bottle to hit chest, but then he said "Wait, I don't have boobs." and he put it in his armpit to get milk!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day

We had a great Valentines Day! The boys made Shawn and I magnets with their pictures on it (with some help from Mimi and Granddad!). Mimi made us all heart shaped pink pancakes for breakfast. They were delicious. She decorated the table for Valentine's Day. It was really fun! We got Connor some Diego candy and a Diego coloring book (his latest favorite cartoon). Max got a little stuffed dog, bouncy ball, and cookie monster card from us. Mimi and Granddad also had little surprises for everyone.

Max is down to nursing 2 times a day and will not drink formula. We can get him to drink a little bit of water, but other than that he really doesn't get any liquid. We had a follow-up doctor's appointment for his ears and his wheezing yesterday, so I asked him about the lack of fluids issue we are having. He asked me to try mixing formula and breastmilk together, but Max still won't drink it. We are going to try whole milk next since nothing else seems to be working! He still has fluid in one ear, but it is not infected. The doctor wants to keep him on an antibiotic for another month until the fluid clears out to prevent an infection. He's also going to be taking a breathing treatment once a day for the next month because he is still wheezing. Hopefully he gets well soon!
He took 2 steps on his 11 month birthday. Maybe he'll be walking soon!